3月の暗唱聖句  ご一緒にみことばを暗唱し、心にたくわえましょう。

   わたしは神であり、わたしのような者はいない。             イザヤ書 46:9


   I am God, and there is no one like Me.          Isaiah 46:9


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 ☨今週の聖句(3/9-3/15)  メディテーションの助けとしましょう。


     神の子が現れたのは、悪魔のしわざを打ちこわすためです。                        第Ⅰヨハネ3:8 


     The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.

                                                                                                   1 John 3:8 









        おられるということを、私が、今日 為し終えた働きや責務とともに忘れることがありませんように。








        Grant that the remembrance of the blessed Life that once was lived out on this

    common earth under these ordinary skies may remain with me in all the tasks

    and duties of this day. Let me rememberHis eagerness, not to be ministered

    unto, but to minister: His sympathy with suffering of every kind: His bravery in

    face of His own suffering: His meekness of bearing, so that, when reviled,

    He reviled not again: His steadiness of purpose in keeping to His appointed task: 

    His simplicity: His self-discipline: His serenity of spirit: His complete reliance upon

    Thee, His Father in Heaven. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JOHN BAILLIE  

                                            from A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie, p.29



TEL: 042-796-8150



10:45 ~ 12:15 (日)



Machida Family Chapel is a local branch of Biblical Church in Ekoda, Tokyo.

We believe the Bible is the living God's Word and want to share His blessings through the Word with as many people as we can.

Our group is small in number, but big in heart!

If you are free on Sunday morning, why don't you come and join us? You'll be made very welcome!


+Worship  (Sun) : 10:45am~

+Luncheon(Sun) : 12:30pm~  


Fukudaya bldg 3F 2-23-8, Narusegaoka Machida Tokyo